Thursday, September 26, 2013

Copyrights, Fair Use, Cyberbullying and Netiquette!!

There are so many things that you do on a regular basis online that are against the law but we do them anyways.  Sometimes we do them without thinking that we're even doing them.  Like we never really notice or pay attention to the copyright and fair use policies on everything.  I believe and feel that copyrighting and fair use policies are very straight forward and to the point.  When it comes to teenagers being bored, they tend to go online and just bully other people threw like facebook comments and or posts, and threw text messaging.  I know about cyberbullying from personal experiences because I was cyberbullied through this online site called myspace at that time but that cyberbullying put me in a deep depression and that depression was extremely hard to get myself out of.  I believe and feel that cyberbullying is wrong and that the government should have a law against cyberbullying online and or at school.  I believe that netiquette in basic terms is the rules, guidelines, and it's basically doing the right thing while you're online.  Netiquette is like the respect and the way you treat people in person but it's online, instead.

I know that I've learned that copyrights are mainly about the many different ways that you can copy something the right and or wrong ways.  Like I just found out that you can get pirated copies of many different types of software and too many movies or videos that you can download online without paying for them, which is against the law and it's a felony to copyright something the wrong way.  I learned that 71% of unwanted exposures occurred while the children were searching or surfing the internet.  And I also learned that many people have there own forms of netiquette and not all forms of netiquette are all exactly the same.  So those are the many things that I think about copyrights, fair use, cyberbullying, and netiquette.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Search engines and Search techniques

Before i knew anything about the way that search engines are used and also before I knew there was such a thing called search techniques, I would just search whatever way I could at that time.  I use to type questions into the search engines before I knew that there is such thing as search techniques.  No I didn't know everything that was covered about search engines and search techniques.  And yes, there are somethings that I just found out about.

There are many things that can change with the way that I might be teaching in the near future.  But yes, I do think that some of my habits will change slightly.  In the future, I will put everything I want to search in simplest terms and never in the form of a question.  This knowledge will affect my teaching in a good way.  My future students will be affected by this change because now I can teach my future students the appropriate and right way to search for things.

Many people think that there are multiples of ways to search things in a search engine and i use to think that to.  But now is the time when that way of thinking for me is going away, so that way I can empty all the bad and bring in all the new things that I have just learned.  Like the proper way to search something in a search engine and then also the many search techniques.  So if you search the proper way, well then I definitely believe that you will get your results a lot faster than you usually do.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Intro to Integrating Tech into Curriculum...

Hi.  I'm Colby Hajec and I'm 21 turning 22 in November, thank goodness!  I'm a transfer student this year from Eastfield College.  I'm classified as a sophomore but I believe that I'm really suppose to be a junior this year but oh well.  I work at Soma Intimates and yes I know that most of you don't have a clue what it is!  All I've got to say to that is Look It Up!!  I'm a model and I love to sow...  I love to go shoe shopping but it's a very expensive habit!  I also love to volunteer and ride horses.

There are multiples of ways that I can see technology integrated in the classroom.  I can see students having the notes on their laptop on there desk and them projecting the notes up on the wall from their personal laptop.  I believe that having technology in the classroom is a bad idea cause kids can get into a lot more trouble then they usually would because kids these days are extremely technology savy.  I have the feeling that one of these days in the near future, that all technology is eventually going to be holographic and document sharing will only be threw the cloud and not using any form of USB's.

My goals in this class is to keep my grades up high, learn many different types of applications dealing with technology, and to learn how to integrate it into the style of teaching that I would like to do.  I hope to learn many different ways of teaching students by technology because kids these days are extremely into technology like computers video games, and etc.